Album Reviews

Rayna: Space Stories EP

Written by Mary-Anne Babiolakis

Rayna’s EP, Space Stories, was released in 2013 and it has a unique and dark influence that sets Rayna apart from other singer songwriters. It is evident that Rayna has good knowledge of how harmonies and melodies share an intricate relationship and this translates well into each song. Her songs flow into one another, lending similar harmonies and melodies. With this concept in mind, the tracks stand apart on their own and make a strong impact, but together the similar sound can slightly compromise the distinctiveness of each particular track. However, Rayna’s use of layering in Space Stories is done extremely well, as her attention to detail with instrumentation adds dimension to her electronic sound. Both her use of instruments and singing complement one another on each track.

Rayna does a great job of creating an entire world beyond her lyrics that serves as an escape to an alternative world. Her artistic freedom allows her EP to have a gentle but impactful melodic impact. The EP Begins with Into the Unknown, a powerful song that likens being born and dying to the life of a star. Wake Me and Descent showcases Rayna’s vocal abilities and true to the electronic genre, the tracks lure listeners into a dark and complex world that Rayna eloquently creates.

The hauntingly beautiful sounds that are accomplished from the musical layering, juxtaposed with her pure vocal arrangements, shows the makings of a well put together electronic/alternative EP. I’m certainly looking forward to future music from Rayna.

Check out Rayna’s website and streaming tracks!


About author

Chief Editor & Founder of Live in Limbo. Host & Producer of the Capsule Podcast. Sean is an award-winning photographer and Nikon Professional Services member. His work has appeared on the CBC, Pitchfork, and MUCH. He is an Academy Delegate at the JUNOs (CARAS) and has been involved in the Toronto music scene since 2005. He is also an endurance and CrossFit athlete. You should follow him on Twitter @SeanChin.

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