Capsule Podcast

4: St. Lucia

Jean-Philip Grobler is a musician based in Brooklyn, New York City but was born in South Africa. Andreas and I talk about the success of his latest album and his upcoming North America tour with his band St. Lucia.

  • Jean reveals where he gets the awesome shirts seen at live shows
  • Andreas and Jean reminisce about life in South Africa
  • Discussing New York City as a musical incubator
  • Jean talks about the new success of “When The Night”, rituals before performing, musical influences and favorite albums of 2013
  • Explaining the meanings behind his tracks “The Way You Remember Me” and “Call Me Up”
  • The mix of old school and new wave musical acts in today’s culture
  • Jean talks about how cool it is to be part of the Neon Gold Records family

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About author

Chief Editor & Founder of Live in Limbo. Host & Producer of the Capsule Podcast. Sean is an award-winning photographer and Nikon Professional Services member. His work has appeared on the CBC, Pitchfork, and MUCH. He is an Academy Delegate at the JUNOs (CARAS) and has been involved in the Toronto music scene since 2005. He is also an endurance and CrossFit athlete. You should follow him on Twitter @SeanChin.