It is with deepest sympathy and sadness that we are dedicating this episode of Capsule to the tragic events that took place in Paris, France this past weekend. And all the lives lost around the world from this on going conflict. This left the entire world confused, tearful, and frustrated. In order to try understand the ideologies that took place, your host Sean Chin speaks with good friend and LiL contributor Agah Bahari. Agah has been on this show in the past, was born and raised in Iran, and was banned from performing music in his home country.
We discuss why these events are happening, and unfortunately must take place in order for religious reform to occur, along with some possible solutions.
At the end of the day, it is the young that will make all the difference in the world. It can go either way. But we hope that in a few generations time, we hope that music, and art from the next waves of Muslims around the world can progress and shift the balance of the radical ones.
One thing is for sure, there must be dialogue. Conversations must not be silenced. Education is the key to these worldly issues.
Podcast: Download (Duration: 51:50 — 47.7MB)
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