Why it’s necessary for children to study arts in schools?
In modern society, art education is very important for the bright future of the next generation. We know that in last years, schools try to improve their programs of learning various courses such as reading, writing, and math. But what about the arts? In this article we will list skills children can get through learning art. Whether they draw pictures with brushes and watercolor, act in a theater play, dance in group, or participate in music band, children learn and develop a lot of important skills that will be very helpful for their personal growth, creativity, and even ability to solve various problems in adult life.
1. Motor skills. When little children learn how to hold the brush or paint with crayons, this helps to develop their motor skills. Small children at age 3 are recommended to use only safety scissors and learn to draw a circle. And kids around 4 years old can draw a square, and learn how to cut straight lines with safety scissors. Actually, many modern preschools recommend to use scissors for children since 3 years old because it helps to develop their dexterity. This skill will be very important to use when these children get older and learn to write. In preschools, kids learn to cut various details from color paper and glue them to make a picture. When children work with small details, their fingers’ motor skills develop too. It’s also useful to paint with finger paints, or make various pictures with small parts (such as beads, ribbons, seeds, etc.)
2. Improving of language. When small children make art, they learn new words for colors, actions, materials, and shapes. It helps them to improve their language and motivate them to talk a lot. In elementary schools, children are often required to describe what kind of feelings they express when see a particular artwork, or to think up their own descriptions to those creations they have made. This develops their oral skills, helping children to build long and complex sentences, tell something to the group or listen to others.
3. Solving problems. Art education helps children to develop their skills in solving problems and making decisions. When they create art work, children learn creativity, thinking, making new ideas, inventing non-standard decisions, etc. All these skills can be very helpful in the future to make a good choice or decision in their life problems.
4. Visual skills. For children, it’s very important to operate a lot with a visual information to discover this world. They compare various art objects, notice common things and difference. It’s quite important for children to have some understanding about the visual arts to be able to live in the modern world that is filled with various marketing logos.
5. Sense of innovation. When children try to express themselves with art, it helps them to develop their inventiveness that would be extremely important in the future. Modern world develops on high speed, so it needs people to find some new improvements and fresh ways to move on, but not just follow someone’s directions. It’s possible to say that art is the best thing to improve the process of thinking, creativity, and making various things quicker, better, and effective.
6. Ability to focus and concentrate. For modern children that live in our world, it’s sometimes hard to concentrate on something. Art is a great key to develop the ability to focus and concentrate on what you do. For example, when a group of children work on the art object, they study to think not only about their own role, but about all other participants’ roles to the entire project they all are working at.
7. Collaboration skills. When children work in group making a big picture together, or participating in theater play, or dancing together, they understand it’s very important to practice together, share experience, and compromising. Children begin to understand that each of them is valuable for the entire project they do together. It’s a great possibility to learn to work in a team, and understand the role of each participant of the group.
8. Accountability. While working with arts in groups, children learn to understand that if they made any kind of mistake, or did something wrong, the entire group suffers because of this mistake. They get to know their actions and words can affect others, and they also start to see that mistakes happen, and it’s impossible to do anything without errors. Through the art, children learn to get their mistakes, learn from them something, and move forward.
9. Non-verbal signals. Children that dance or play on stages, get to know about body language. They learn how to express their emotions without words to send a right message to the audience. Children learn how to show a wide range of various emotions. These skills develop their sensitivity, intuition, ability to show emotions, and artistic abilities.
10. Dedication to work. When children work on art objects, they understand that a finished product of their efforts makes them feel satisfied with the work. They develop working habits of coming on time at their art lessons and making their best to create a masterpiece.
These are only ten skills that could be developed by children in schools through the arts, but of course, they are able to learn much more than we listed here. If you are interested in this subject, you can find more articles and essays about art on the website 10page papers.com. We hope this article was helpful for you, and your children will develop all the needed skills using art. It is simple to teach your children something through the play, so it’s always exciting to start an interesting game that would help to improve the most important skills of your future artsy person.