
99: Justin E. Lane

For the 99th episode of NEOHUMAN, Agah is chatting with Justin E. Lane.

“I am a mind hacker and consultant focused on how cognitive science and technology converge to create AI innovations for the future. I hold a doctoral degree from Oxford University and am based in Bratislava, Slovakia. My research focuses on cognitive science, social stability, and computer simulation. I also use AI and big-data approaches. I my D.Phil. from the Institute of Cognitive and Evolutionary Anthropology at the University of Oxford in 2019. I currently hold an academic position at the Center for Modeling Social Systems and work with the Virginia Modeling Analysis and Simulation Center as well as the Center for Mind and Culture. I am also the CTO of ALAN Analytics s.r.o.”

He’s also the author of Understanding Religion Through Artificial Intelligence: Bonding and Belief (Scientific Studies of Religion: Inquiry and Explanation).


Justin E. Lane:

Understanding Religion Through Artificial Intelligence: Bonding and Belief (Scientific Studies of Religion: Inquiry and Explanation):

Justin E. Lane – University of Oxford:

Justin E. Lane – Google Scholar:

About author

Photographer, and Senior Music Writer at Live in Limbo. Agah is a musician, sound designer, and hobbyist writer & photographer. He is a voting member of the Recording Academy (GRAMMY Awards), and former voting member and judge of CARAS (JUNO Awards).