Advertising/Business Inquiries:

Live in Limbo can be reached by emailing Chief Editor & Founder Sean Chin (

For collaborations, please visit our Partnership page.


If you’re interested in setting up an premiering a new song or music video at LiL, please contact Sean Chin ( please use subject “Music Premiere: / Video Premiere:” We will take your request under consideration, but we cannot guarantee all requested premieres to get placement here.

Please be sure to include the artist’s bio, recent press release and links to social media profiles. For track or album streams, please upload the content to a private SoundCloud or BandCamp player and send us the embed codes and album art. For music videos, please provide ‘Unlisted‘ YouTube links.

For all editorial, corrections, publicity, contributing or other inquires, please email Sean.submariner replica rolexprecision replica watchesaaa swiss movement replica watches