Joywave with Grace Mitchell and Mieke performs at The Garrison in Toronto. Grace Mitchell at the GarrisonJoywave at the GarrisonJoywave at the GarrisonJoywave at the GarrisonJoywave at the GarrisonJoywave at the GarrisonJoywave at the GarrisonJoywave at the GarrisonJoywave at the GarrisonJoywave at the GarrisonJoywave at the GarrisonMieke at the GarrisonGrace Mitchell at the GarrisonGrace Mitchell at the GarrisonGrace Mitchell at the GarrisonGrace Mitchell at the GarrisonGrace Mitchell at the GarrisonGrace Mitchell at the GarrisonGrace Mitchell at the GarrisonMieke at the GarrisonMieke at the GarrisonMieke at the Garrison