Golden Daze is a duo consisting of Ben Schwab and Jacob Loeb. The Indie band is based out of Los Angelas and they refer to themselves as “Melodic Dream Pop” combined with 60’s inspired psychedelic elements. They are currently with Autumn Tone Records, and released their first self titled album this past February.
Autumn Tone Records was founded in 2005 within Los Angeles. They’re goal is to introduce and uncover artists that take further steps within their genres, and cross boundaries.`
This is a very hazey and chill tune; something you listen to at the end of the day or perhaps an early morning. The extended introduction in the beginning is very admirable, as well as the percussion throughout the song. A nice addition to the song would be some more defined and increased volume in vocals. It’s not that it doesn’t sound good, but it wouldn’t hurt to have this additive. With that being said, these are some nice Indie-Dream stylized vocals. Overall, this is an awesome Indie and relaxing tune.