Hey guys! So, this is my first pop culture month in review. Here, I will point out some bigger stories in the media that caught my eye over the past month, summarize and share my opinion. Hope you all love it!
Selena and The Weeknd
Rumours were flooding the internet of Selena and The Weeknd being a thing, and it has now been made official by The Weeknd himself posting a photo on IG of the couple with the caption, “her smile”. Damn Selena, I guess you’re really into the Canadian dudes.
Its official…. Trump is Prez
As of January 20th 2017, Donald Trump was officially named President of the United States. Not only America, but the entire world has had a pretty negative response. This includes many protests and acts of violence. In my opinion, I feel that the situation is what it is and I feel that it is great that people are being so open and expressive however, the world should try to do so in a more peaceful manner. Sure the world does not agree with this actions and they feel this is not bettering the world however if we handle it so negatively, how will the world become a better place? Keep an open mind, and peacefully protest if you are to do so- because we all know smashing windows and starting fires isn’t cool.
La La Land takes theatres, and the world loves it!
Critically acclaimed film “La La Land” took theatres in late December, and the world is in love! Not only are we all obsessed with it, but they cleaned up at the Golden Globes! If you haven’t seen it yet, I’m not sure what you’re doing with your life.
Queen B is preggers… x2
It has just been announced that Beyonce is now pregnant with twins, as well as some photos to go along with the announcement. Fans are pretty ecstatic (of course), however Coachella isn’t too impressed. Supposedly, those who are in charge of Coachella were not made aware of this until it was made public in the media, and they are not too excited considering she is a headliner, and the performance could very possibly not occur anymore, as she is 35 and pregnant with TWINS, making it a high risk pregnancy. Some would also say that since her relationship with Jay Z could be seen as rocky (at least the release of Lemonade would say that) twins wouldn’t be such a good thing for their marriage, however when you have nannys and all the money in the world I guess it doesn’t really matter!
Footage released of Mischa Barton ranting, under the influence
TMZ put out a video of Mischa Barton on her balcony, talking to herself. She spoke about a witch, the world ending, her mother, and some other things that didn’t make all that much sense. In the end, she falls off of her fence onto the pavement. Mischa has a history of drug related issues, as well as mental health issues. In this video, she was supposedly drugged with date rape drug GBH however, that could easily be a cover up. I’m not so sure that drug would have this effect displayed in the video however, I find it really sad that TMZ would share a video like so. They are aware of her mental health issues, and it also saddens me someone would take this and sell this, exposing her in such a state. I hope TMZ is happy with exposing someone’s mental illness. However, according to the press she is doing just fine now, which is the important aspect of this!