Happy New Year!
Looking for some fresh new Pop music? Look no further than Pop’s latest edition, Jake Donaldson. On NYE, he released his brand new video for his track, “Options.” This track contains elements of dance, electronica, and Pop- a perfect addition to your party soundtrack.
Donaldson gained his following through mash-up videos on his Youtube channel, but now is focusing on creating his own original tracks.
Although I’m not the BIGGEST fan of Pop music, when I listen, I always appreciate when it’s something fun, and something I can dance to- this track is exactly that. His vocals are comparable to Mendes, but with a more mature sound to it. Additionally, the song is all about dating in the modern age, and how social media effects it in a negative light, creating it more challenging than ever before.
Lately I haven’t been too impressed with Pop releases, but this is one that I highly appreciate and respect. Give it a listen, and add it to your playlists, and keep an eye out for more.