World Premiere

Song Premiere : "Guilty"- Vicki Lovelee

Photo by Aidan Tooth Vicki Lovelee is a Chinese Canadian alt-pop singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist from Toronto. She uses orchestral instrumentation and fuses them with dramatic, pop elements; ultimately creating a dark and theatrical sound….

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World Premiere

Song Premiere : "Little Island" - Custie

Custie is an emerging alternative pop artist hailing from London, Ontario. His distinct sound explores pop music as it intersects with singer-songwriter, R&B and alternative music. Custie accredits his knack for musical exploration to influences…

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World Premiere

Song Premiere : "Hostage" - AP Tobler

Musician, singer/songwriter, and “grunge poet” AP Tobler writes catchy songs that center around complex themes of anxiety and depression. Their love with music began at the age of 8 when they discovered the drums. They…

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