Movie Review: Iron Man 2
Teaser: written by Lee Clifford Finally it’s come, Iron Man 2 is now in theatres and it’s chock full of snarky Robert Downey Jr goodness. So I really doubt there’s any merit in the question…
Teaser: written by Lee Clifford Finally it’s come, Iron Man 2 is now in theatres and it’s chock full of snarky Robert Downey Jr goodness. So I really doubt there’s any merit in the question…
Teaser: written by Lee Clifford Robin Hood, one of the most treasured tales in literary history. The story of a flip-sided world where nobility is evil and criminals are heroes has been retold many times…
Teaser: Check us out on our Youtube Channel! LiveinLimboTV ! And Part 2: Teaser: Check us out on our Youtube Channel! LiveinLimboTV ! And Part 2: Teaser: Check us out on our Youtube Channel! LiveinLimboTV…
On the contrary to my few complaints about the movie, I would say I still enjoyed it with my dad who I dragged to see it with (movie date with my dad, hell yeah! Sadness…
Teaser: Teaser: Teaser: Teaser:
Teaser: written by Lee Clifford Okay, let’s cut to the chase: Twilight has been the bane of the existence of just about every male over the age of 10 for the last two years. The…
Teaser: The full written Review of this movie can be found by Clicking Here Teaser: The full written Review of this movie can be found by Clicking Here Teaser: The full written Review of this movie can…
Right off the bat the movie opens with Adrien Brody plummeting through the air towards a thick jungle. He frantically is trying to open a parachute, that does so at the last possible moment,…
Like in Memento, where you follow the actions of Leonard trying to piece his life together, you are trying to put the clues together in your head as well. Or in his most recent before this,…