Well I was praying the rain would stop for today’s events at SuperCrawl 2015 and it did, approximately one hour before it shut down for the night. Of course it poured most of the day and night something I have come accustom to considering yesterday it rained as well. This however didn’t stop the people coming out in droves to catch some great artists. I was happy to see the craft vendors and face painters out in full force, the streets were lined with anything your heart could desire and so many food trucks, believe me, no one went hungry.
The rain put quite a damper on SuperCrawl but I was pleased to see everyone wasn’t complaining they were just going with the flow. I even managed to stay out the rain a couple times once at a little coffee shop called Mulberry right on the main strip and then again huddled under a canopy which two Hamilton Police Officers were happy to share with me. Thanks!
First band I was able to catch, mind you just for a short, was Viet Cong from Calgary. Their fans were out in full force filling the entire parking lot and spilling out in the streets. I have heard a lot about this band so I was happy to finally get to see them.
Next band on deck was suppose to be Rich Aucoin but unfortunately they, I think, we’re having rain issues and went on late so off I ran to the the furthest stage away to catch The Sadies perform. This is a band I know nothing about but I am so glad I got to see them. When I approached the stage I saw a stand up bass on stage that pretty much sold me right on the spot. Once again the crowds came and watched and almost forgetting it was raining and enjoying the moment. I once again didn’t get to stay long at this stage due to the fact that the band I was really looking forward to seeing was The Killjoys.
As I approached the corner where this stage was set up I heard The Killjoys already had started their set much to my surprise again. Their set time was for 10:00 and at 9:40 they were already on stage. This happened quite a bit I found this weekend. Quite a few bands started early including Monster Truck the night before. I also over heard people saying that some bands didn’t even get to play due to the in-climate weather. But The Killjoys went on and I was there all was good. I haven’t seen these guys perform in well over 22 years (yes, I am aging myself a bit) and they didn’t disappoint me at all. It brought back a ton of memories for me, all good of course. When I watched the crowd behind me I saw all their fans singing along right with them. Even Mike at one point said “…. I am happy you are singing I am reading your lips”. Everyone was dancing around the parking lot and I saw a lot grinning faces in the crowd. The Killjoys were definitely the high light of the weekend for me, sure it could be for personal reasons, but I am a fan as well as a reviewer/photographer.
As I was walking to my car I passed one of the stages and there was a band called Health from L.A. I actually stopped and pulled out my camera to shoot them. I am not sure if it was the music, the lights, or the flailing hair from the stage that made me stop but I was intrigued to say the least. I was frozen to the core and soaking wet and yet I still stopped to watch them. I am going to have to do a little research on this band they have peaked my curiosity.
SuperCrawl ends on Sunday September 13 but if you missed it this year I am pretty positive it will be around next year!
Once again thanks to the crew because without you there is no show.