From Ron Weasley to Mike Tyson…? Fan Expo Canada 2015 was the place to be Labor Day Weekend. Starting on Thursday, fans could come out and see their favourite actor, comic book artist or cosplayer, even their favourite boxer! The Metro Convention Centre in Toronto filled up quick Thursday evening at 4pm when the doors to Fan Expo opened. Lines at the XBOX and Sony both stretch along aisle to try Halo 5 and the newest Star Wars Battlefront. Check outing artists alley you can find legendary comic book writers and artists including Jeff Lemire, Ken Lashley, and J. Scott Campbell. Maybe if you’re lucky, you can get a quick sketch!
Friday was when the celebrities started showing up, signing autographs and answering questions from their fans. George A. Romero fondly remembered Wes Craven at his panel, while Christian Slater wanting more time to connect with those who attended Showcase’s Mr. Robot screening and Q&A and Orlando Jones recalled his haunted hotel room in Wilmington where he films Sleepy Hollow. Celebrity panels and signings weren’t the only pull on Friday, sketch-offs and how to’s also drew big crowds.
Saturday was the Expo’s biggest day with their Hogwarts Reunion including Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy) James and Oliver Phelps (Fred and George Weasley) and Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley). At the same time (which had attendees up in arms about the same panel time, due to the fact that I’m sure fans bought tickets to both events) was an evening with the Doctor’s Companions with Karen Gillan (Amy Pond) and Jenna Coleman (Clara Oswald). Regardless of which event you ended up attending, I have no doubt that they were both amazing – and a dream come true for each fandom.
Closing up Fan Expo Canada on Sunday for me included meeting one of my favourite voice actors Steve Blum who voices Spike from Cowboy Bebop and Zeb from Star Wars: Rebels, just to name a few. Listening to Gillian Anderson list off each of her characters were in musical episodes that they would sing. Celebrity panel with Amy Acker was filled of past and present memories talking about her past work on Angel, and her current work on Person of Interest. She also reflected on her fantastic sushi from the night before.