Song Premiere : “Heaven&Safety” by Angélique
Photo by Harrison Clarke (@salty_pepper) From The Artist : Women are often told to hide their sexuality and confidence. I’m learning to allow myself to let go and be the grown woman that I am….
Photo by Harrison Clarke (@salty_pepper) From The Artist : Women are often told to hide their sexuality and confidence. I’m learning to allow myself to let go and be the grown woman that I am….
From The Artist : This song is about having a nightmare about someone close to you. In the dream they hurt you and you saw a side of them you had never seen before. When…
From The Artist : “Intertwined,” my debut single as Frank Mighty’s Hotline, was inspired by a conversation I overheard on the subway – two people discussing sex, money, and life, not caring what anyone around…
From The Artist : The song was inspired by the early albums of The Strokes & The Smashing Pumpkins, specifically Is This It? & Siamese Dream, and the sounds as well as the subject matter…
Album Art by Lena Wood Design From The Artist : My new single, “Someday,” is about finding the inner strength to leave a relationship where you were taken for granted, and knowing that someday the…
Photos by Liz Rosa From The Artist : Upon creating my new song, “No Joke,” I contemplated the new age concept of polar opposites, and light vs. dark. During recording, I let the music take…
From The Artist : ‘Can’t Stop the Havelots’ – lyrically, is a reaction to the rampant corruption, avarice and greed in society, a plea for greater understanding of one another regardless of social strata and…
From The Artist : This song would be about letting go. Sometimes we think too much about how we should be with others, wondering if we’re being too nice, not cool enough, or hip enough,…
From the artist: “Clarice is about an uncertainty within yourself when struggling with mental health issues, as well as the lingering feelings of loneliness and sorrow that come with those experiences.Though the song is not…