Noah (2014)

Final Rating: 7.8/10 Darren Aronofsky is a terrific director and one of this generation’s best. He excels at making actors the very best they can be, diving right into the minds of mentally unsound characters,…

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Divergent Film Premiere Red Carpet in Toronto

Shailene Woodley and Theo James play lead roles in the upcoming futuristic dystopia film called Divergent. Live in Limbo, Andreas Babiolakis and Olivia Leung attended the red carpet for the Toronto premiere screening at the…

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Winter's Tale (2014)

Final Rating: 0.8/10 Akiva Goldsman. That’s a name you should recognize. As a director, your name gets put out front for the barrage of tomatoes coming your way. As a writer, you may be able…

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Album Reviews

St. Vincent - St. Vincent (2014)

Final Rating: 9.2/10 St. Vincent (named after the place poet Dylan Thomas died, not after a saint) has always been cheeky with her sense of humor. She’s a bit twisted for someone so sweet. She…

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Album Reviews

Too True - Dum Dum Girls (2014)

Final Rating: 6.4/10 Dum Dum Girls have been releasing music pretty consistently these past few years, and the majority of their material has been pretty outstanding. Their blend of surf rock and dream pop would…

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Top 25 Films of 2013

Here is the last list of 2013. We have had a pretty slow year with films until the last quarter, where I was sure we were doomed until almost every single good film of 2013…

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Top 25 Acting Performances of 2013

25. Jessica Chastain and James McAvoy-Eleanor Rigby and Connor Ludlow (The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby) The nice thing about having two separate films about the same story is that you can experiment with points of…

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