LIL MIX Volume 32

I was pleasantly surprised when asked to do another LIL MIX, I found this one a bit of a challenge to be honest.  There is so many great songs out there, how do I choose?  Hopefully you will enjoy “my mix”.  Once again I am all over the place with the music genres, and I love it!  Never underestimate the power of music! 

  1. Big Wreck “That Song”
  2. Godsmack “I Stand Alone”
  3. Saliva “Click Click Boom”
  4. Sixx Am “Rise”
  5. 3 Days Grace “I Am Machine”
  6. All That Remains “What If I Was Nothing”
  7. Theory of a Deadman “Angel”
  8. 30 Seconds to Mars “Stay”
  9. Jamiroqaui “Virtual Insanity” 
  10. Coldplay “Fix You”
  11. AwolNation “Sail”
  12. P.O.D “Alive”
  13. Foo Fighters “Best of You”
  14. Bedouin Soundclash “When The Night Feels My Song”
  15. Jocelyn Alice “Jackpot”
  16. Hinder “Lips of an Angel”
  17. Panic at the Disco “I Write Sins, Not Tragedies”
  18. The Killjoys “Rave and Drool” 
  19. One Republic “Apologize”
  20. Alexisonfire “This Could Be Anywhere In The World”
About author

Concert Photographer at Live In Limbo. Started concert photography due to the fact that I love music but do not have a musical note in my body, so this is the next best thing as far as I am concerned. I love the energy rush you get coming off the stage from the performers. I am a hardcore animal fanatic and will go out of my way to help them. My nickname is Miniwheats which was given to me years ago and most people do not know my real name. Twitter @minismemories