All Caps Festival 2012

We’re thrilled to announce the rest of the musical line-up for the 2012 ALL CAPS! Island Festival: Toronto’s mad-scientist electro-rockers Absolutely Free (who corresponds to 4/5th of the dearly departed DD/MM/YYYY) join the Sunday afternoon line-up, while “lo-fi/high-pop” synth-pop trio Triple Gangers will kick things off on Saturday, and Ward’s Island country/folk-pop singers Ivy Mairi will get things started in a lovely mellow moon on Sunday. In addition, we can now tell you that visual art will be installed by: VSVSVS, Felix Kalmenson, Jessica Vallentin, our own Adam “Crayons” Bradley and others! Delicious FOOD to keep you going through the festival, meanwhile, will be provided by SkyBlueSky Sandwich Co. and indie caterer Katie Mathieu. And on Sunday afternoon at 1:30pm, the TSO (yes, that TSO) and MIT-based composer Tod Machover (uh, yes, that MIT) will host a workshop in which musicians and audience members may contribute to the crowd-sourced composition, “A Toronto Symphony,” to be premiered in 2013.

TICKET UPDATE: Camping passes are now SOLD OUT everywhere except Rotate This, who have a handful left, so go get ’em while you still have a chance! GalleryAC and Soundscapes are still full stocked with festival passes and single-day tickets.

all caps festival 2012

About author

Chief Editor & Founder of Live in Limbo. Host & Producer of the Capsule Podcast. Sean is an award-winning photographer and Nikon Professional Services member. His work has appeared on the CBC, Pitchfork, and MUCH. He is an Academy Delegate at the JUNOs (CARAS) and has been involved in the Toronto music scene since 2005. He is also an endurance and CrossFit athlete. You should follow him on Twitter @SeanChin.