“The Power Inside” is a film brought to the world by Intel and Toshiba. It is a six-part series that features Harvey Keitel, Craig Roberts, Analeigh Tipton, Reid Ewing and Zack Pearlman. It is also directed by Will Speck and Josh Gordon, who made “Blades of Glory”.
This series spot lights your average twenty year old in a dead end newspaper job with no apparent ambition named Neil, played by Craig Roberts. That is until the Uricks show up on Earth. These mustache aliens are planet-destroyers that are hunting down Neil has he has something special inside of him that will aid them with there apocalyptic mission.
Being a grand social experience, users from around the world can join in the war and either help the Uricks or save the Earth with Neil and the other Guardians. Being a product packed series, it is worth noticing Spotify, Skype and Skullcandy headphones.
“Social films give us the opportunity to tell stories in a new way by creating an immersive, participatory experience for the audience.” says Speck.
It’s really interesting to see how large corporations such as Intel and Toshiba are targeting youths in such an innovative and thrilling manner. We all love technology and going to the movies, so why not make something that incorporates both? We highly recommend that you check out the video below for a taste of the action.
So far, there are three episodes of “The Power Inside” currently available online, with the next installments being released tomorrow (September 5), September 12 and concluding on September 19. This post is sponsored by the Intel & Toshiba.