Daniel Lopatin, known as the glitchy enigma Oneohtrix Point Never, opened for Soundgarden and Nine Inch Nails, filling in for the now defunct Death Grips. Death Grips are explosive and, while not a perfectly fit glove for the position, would surely have instilled a sense of dynamic energy for the entire concert. Oneohtrix Point Never isn’t explosive. His music is chilling and brooding. While it fits with some of Nine Inch Nails’ music, it would have opened the show with an immensely different sensation. Some parts of the tour had another aggressive group open the show (The Dillinger Escape Plan), so this was the only chance the tour had to make the concert not a bombardment of energy but an engagement of senses. It was a large curiosity to see what Lopatin would bring to the table to open for these two great bands.
His set was only 20 minutes (I could have done with an hour more, to be honest), but it was absolutely impressive. With an uncomfortably chilling backdrop (computer generated images shoddy enough to feel eerie) and only a few songs that lasted for ages, Lopatin’s set was well received. I remember members of the audience being unsure how this would go but being very “calm” and relaxed by Lopatin’s set. It was a meditative experience that made us all grounded and united. It’s a very difficult set to describe as it basically came and went like a hummingbird flying outside of a barred jail window. While not much really happened, many things happened at the same time (the beauty of minimalist ambience). Oneohtrix Point Never is a true performer, despite being perfectly still. He relies on the back of the brain to entertain and not the shallow forefront.