Slipknot with Lamb of God brought heavy metal goodness to the Molson Canadian Amphitheatre in Toronto. Slipknot at Molson AmphitheatreSlipknot at Molson AmphitheatreSlipknot at Molson AmphitheatreSlipknot at Molson AmphitheatreSlipknot at Molson AmphitheatreSlipknot at Molson AmphitheatreSlipknot at Molson AmphitheatreSlipknot at Molson AmphitheatreSlipknot at Molson AmphitheatreSlipknot at Molson AmphitheatreSlipknot at Molson AmphitheatreSlipknot at Molson AmphitheatreSlipknot at Molson AmphitheatreSlipknot at Molson AmphitheatreSlipknot at Molson AmphitheatreSlipknot at Molson AmphitheatreLamb of God at Molson AmphitheatreSlipknot at Molson AmphitheatreSlipknot at Molson AmphitheatreLamb of God at Molson AmphitheatreLamb of God at Molson AmphitheatreLamb of God at Molson AmphitheatreLamb of God at Molson AmphitheatreLamb of God at Molson AmphitheatreLamb of God at Molson AmphitheatreLamb of God at Molson AmphitheatreLamb of God at Molson AmphitheatreLamb of God at Molson AmphitheatreLamb of God at Molson AmphitheatreLamb of God at Molson AmphitheatreLamb of God at Molson AmphitheatreLamb of God at Molson Amphitheatre Thanks to Live Nation Ontario for media access.