Everyday we will be posting a year end survey submitted by team members, they appear unedited with contributors told to interpret questions how ever they see fit. -Dakota, Music Editor
How long have you been with Live in Limbo and what do you do for the site?
I’ve been with the site for a year now.
What were your three favorite albums of 2016?
My top 3 were Puberty 2 – Mitski, Cardinal- Pinegrove and The Altar- Banks.
What was the most underrated album of 2016?
Puberty 2 by Mitski. Such a great sonically produced album with so much emotional bliss.
What was your favourite Canadian album of 2016?
I’ve been listening to a lot of albums that were released at the end of 2015, which I began to listen to when I entered 2016, like Art Angels by Grimes and Sore by Dilly Dally.
What were your three favourite songs of 2016?
Your Best American Girl- Mitski
Fuck With Myself- Banks
Always, My Way- My Vitriol
How many concerts and/or festivals did you go to in 2016?
I went to 21 shows this year. No wonder I’m so tired.
What were your three favourite concerts of the year?
My favorite concerts this year would definitely have to be Basement’s show and Mitski’s show. When I saw Basement for the second time in April, it was one of the most amazing and craziest show I had ever been to. I also saw Mitski twice this year and she was incredible and just so breathtaking.
What was your favourite festival you attended of the year?
I loved Canadian Music Week. I got to experience so much culture and new music from various Canadian artists that were from across the country.
What festival had the best lineup (regardless if you attended or not)?
Osheaga. I didn’t get to go but Radiohead!
What/who was the biggest musical disappointment (live or album) for you?
I didn’t really have any.
In your opinion, what was the biggest music story?
Probably the fact that Brand New admitted to splitting up next year.
What band did you see live for the first time that really impressed you?
Brand New. Literally no words.
What was your favourite new musical discovery of 2016?
Mitski. Always!
Who were you disappointed to miss seeing live this year?
Two Door Cinema Club came to Toronto in November and I really wanted to see them live and I didn’t have the time.
Who should we be looking out for in 2017?
Mitski, haha! I feel like I’ve talked about her a lot this year but I truly believe 2017 will be her year. She has the heart to change perspectives and lives.
Who’s going to be headlining (or at least playing) all the 2017 festivals?
I hope Solange is. There is no way; you can have a massive festival without Solange headlining.
What was your favourite review or photo set you did for LiL this year?
My favorite review I did this year was for Weezer and Panic! At the Disco mostly because I got to see two of my favorite bands at my favorite venue. The photos from the show are amazing as well, Great job, Randall Vasquez!
Is there anything else you want to say about 2016 or predict about 2017?
I’m so excited to see what 2017 has in store for LiL and so happy to connect and meet more of the awesome people who work for LiL as well! H