MUSICMusic Reviews

Weezer at Downsview – Canada Day 2011

Photographs by Stephen McGill

No, Weezer is not a Canadian band. Yes, they played high on a bill for a Canada Day concert. No, they didn’t seem to care the crowd was celebrating their nation’s birthday. Yes, Rivers Cuomo was wearing a red soccer inspired shirt…with Weezer across the chest. All of this aside, everyone loves Weezer – from the people in the front to the vendors selling onion blossoms in the back. The band’s sound was certainly refreshing after two back-to-back indie rock groups and Rivers made use of the entire stage area and beyond jumping into the photo pit on more than one occasion (have no fear, no photographers were harmed). An hour hardly seemed enough for the band to scratch the surface beyond their classic songs such as, “The Sweater Song”, “My Name is Jonas”, and “Buddy Holly” but somehow they were able to slip in a Radiohead cover which left those in the crowd nodding their heads in approval. After witnessing the crowd’s reaction to their set, it was obvious why Weezer was included on this bill. More concert photos after the page jump!

weezer toronto concert photos

weezer toronto concert photos

weezer toronto concert photos

weezer toronto concert photos

weezer toronto concert photos

weezer toronto concert photos

weezer toronto concert photos

weezer toronto concert photos

weezer toronto concert photos

weezer toronto concert photos

weezer toronto concert photos

weezer toronto concert photos

weezer toronto concert photos

weezer toronto concert photos

weezer toronto concert photos

weezer toronto concert photos

weezer toronto concert photos

About author

Chief Editor & Founder of Live in Limbo. Host & Producer of the Capsule Podcast. Sean is an award-winning photographer and Nikon Professional Services member. His work has appeared on the CBC, Pitchfork, and MUCH. He is an Academy Delegate at the JUNOs (CARAS) and has been involved in the Toronto music scene since 2005. He is also an endurance and CrossFit athlete. You should follow him on Twitter @SeanChin.