In the world of extreme idiocy and misconduct, from Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann to Kim Kardashian’s ass and ISIL, there stands the politically incorrect Bill Maher, showing the non-believers the way out of the mess whether it’s through his massively popular HBO show Real Time with Bill Maher, his documentary Religulous, or his standup comedy performances. And indeed he did, on a decently weathered Saturday night on the stage of The Roy Thomson Hall, the home of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Starting around 8:20PM, Bill Maher was welcomed to the stage with the standing ovation of about 2,000 people barely leaving any seats left at the sold-out event, an evidence to Bill Maher’s popularity in the North, separated only by the border from his home country of the USA which he proposed should now be removed since Tim Hortons has been bought by an American corporation. And that was just the start.
Bill Maher covered every subject imaginable suitable for any politically aware intellectual with deep appreciation for a very specific kind of a borderless comedy that courageously point out everything that is wrong with the Left and the Right of our societies here in the West, being the Republican party in the US or the generational fascination of Kim Kardashian’s ass, not to be mistaken with Kanye West. Possibly with the exception of religion, Bill Maher “shit” on the US more than any other subject, and he felt most comfortable to do so here in Canada. However, Bill Maher is anything but a hater of America. He, along with few others, care enough about America and American values to take the heat of “shitting” on what’s wrong with it so maybe the smell can wake the rest of the believers, deniers, “ammosexuals” up and make them realize, let’s not fuck this up any further.
And when it comes to religion, Bill Maher is as fair as it can get, equally “shitting” on all of them. “They’re all crazy”, as he had mentioned many times in many different occasions, and the sound of the supportive applause in agreement, filling the gorgeous interior of The Roy Thomson Hall all the way to to highest point of the high ceiling, a sign of the many against the centuries-old religious bigotry who are out of the closet and proud to stand strong against the ideologies that allow Muslims to “oppress women by keeping them in the beekeeping costume” in the Middle East, Jewish Rabbis mouths giving newly circumcised Ultra-Orthodox Jewish babies herpes in Brooklyn, and Christians to only care about an unborn or a ghost, without giving a fuck about anything else in between.
After about an hour and half of politically incorrect Liberal enlightenment, the show ended with yet another, well deserved, standing ovation.
Thank you, Bill Maher. You are the definition of a true, sane liberal, and we all need more of you.