Concert Reviews

Eagles of Death Metal at The Opera House, CMW 2016

The Eagles of Death Metal performed at the Opera House in Toronto recently. And not to anyone’s surprise the security was tight and detailed. Simply stepping into the opera house I was frisked twice, was subjected to a metal detector and had by camera equipment checked twice. It was certainly understandable considering the tragic events that unfolded late last year.  

For the readers who perhaps hadn’t heard of the tragic events surrounding the Eagles of Death Metal, it’s a sad story. While performing at the Bataclan Theatre in Paris France on November 13th, 2015 ISIS fighters stormed the club and slaughtered 130 patrons, while wounding hundreds more. It was later reported that they were targeting the American lead singer. 

Prior to the doors opening, lead singer and targeted victim, Jesse Hughes made his way through the lined up crowd to thank people for coming out and seeing them perform. He took selfies and shook the crowds hands along the way. It’s obvious he has made a conscious effort to continue living his life without the fear of another attempt of assassination. 

Once they stepped on stage the full house screamed and cheered, Hughes was obviously emotional, visibly holding back tears. The rest of the band emerged and the crowd made them feel welcomed and appreciated. 

That night emerged as being their 12 year anniversary as a band. There where jovial quips about birthday spankings and such to celebrate their many years together.

The set from the evening was a mix of their own material mixed with some covers of Duran Duran and Stealers Wheel. 

Hughes talked about the song cherry cola, and how he wrote it about his dear friend and owner from the Toronto bar Cherry Cola. 

For the encore, Jesse came out on the stage solo, joking about how he locked the others in a closet, but that they would eventually figure out how to release themselves from the predicament. He performed a hand full of songs alone, then eventually one by one they would emerge, and do solos. Guitarist, bassist and drummers where able to show case their abilities. 

The Eagles of Death Metal played a great show, the crowd was very enthusiastic and appreciative. Observing from the balcony, I didn’t see any crowd surfers, but certainly dancing and mild mosh pits. 

I would love to say the evening went off without a hitch, but sadly it did not. It was later reported that someone at the show had their ear bitten off by another patron. It’s sad that this had to happen, but especially on this night. 

About author

Photojournalist at Live in Limbo.