“Let’s go Cave Singers” chants a solitary man, who’s pushed his way to the front of the crowd, moments before the Seattle-based trio hits the stage. It is Thursday, June 2nd at The Garrison in Toronto, and the concert hall is nearing capacity.
Later, this chant would come to be shouted by every member of the audience, clapping and begging for an encore at the end of the night. Singer, Pete Quirk, steps back up onto the stage and sings three more songs. The energy is infectious.
This is only the mid point for the Seattle-based trio’s tour. They’re scheduled to perform a string of dates across Canada and the United States, joined by Blank Range- a talented rock band based out of Nashville.
The outfit, born out of the dissolution of the late post-punk band Pretty Girls Make Graves, The Cave Singers are now harnessing of a bluesier, folkier sound. Drums, guitar and melodica fill the air, as gingham-clad audience members stomp their feet and clap their hands. Several members of the crowd are rocking the Cave Singers merch bought from their previous performance at The Garrison the last time the trio toured through town. A young man in line for a band tee turns to his girlfriend and exclaims, “I’ve been waiting four years to hear this song!”
Meanwhile, onstage, the band plays; a mix of fan favourites and selections from their newest album “Banshee” which was just recently released this spring. The music is fire. Guitarist, Derek Fudesco, perched on a stool, accentuates each line with a sick of his white Chuck Taylors.
When the show comes to an end, both Blank Range and the Cave Singers pack their gear, stopping every few minutes to say hello or offer a handshake to a fan. The bands are heading to Ottawa next, parting for a few dates, and then coming together again to tour the Eastern United States.
To hear more of The Cave Singers- visit them at www.thecavesingers.com.