Concert Reviews

Muse with Evanescene and One OK Rock at Scotiabank Arena

photo by Nick Fincher

Muse’s “Will of the People” tour stop in Toronto proved to be the perfect cure for any music fan experiencing winter blahs. I was personally warmer than a chestnut roasting on an open fire thanks to the pyrotechnics deployed over the course of a 24-song set hitting all the high notes from the UK band’s nearly 25 year catalogue. Muse are honestly one of the few acts in the 2000s who have been defining alternative rock on their own terms – heavy like Iron Maiden at times mixed with Queen flamboyance and over-the-top bravado. If they weren’t wowing you with apocalyptic visuals and indoor snow flurries, Matt Bellamy’s voice still sounds strong despite the second-hand smoke he must be breathing in. He can also shred guitar with the best of ’em!

Speaking of power singers who’d probably be just as comfortable in an operatic setting as a rock spectacle, happy belated International Women’s Day to Amy Lee of Evanescene. Their breakthrough debut Fallen just turned twenty years old(!), and I’ll be darned if it didn’t have me hankering for a nü-metal revival.

This night was definitely a case of being glad I caught the openers – Japan’s One OK Rock did not look out of place commanding Canada’s biggest hockey arena, and I spotted more attendees sporting their T-shirts than Muse’s which is no small feat in itself. They certainly made a new fan in me!

Days later, I’m still torn over whether Matt Bellamy is in the wrong for wearing a Muse shirt on stage. What say you, Internet?

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Be sure to check out Live Nation Ontario to see all of the other great acts that they will be bringing to Toronto this year.

About author

Gilles LeBlanc literally fell into “alternative rock” way back at Lollapalooza 1992, where he got caught in his first mosh pit watching some band named Pearl Jam. Since then, he’s spent the better part of his life looking for music to match the liberating rush he felt that day, with a particular chest-beating emphasis on stuff coming out of his native Canada. You can follow his alter ego on Twitter: @ROCKthusiast.